Always We Begin Again “The first rule is simply this; live this life and do whatever is done, in a spirit of Thanksgiving. Abandon attempts to achieve security, they are futile, give up the search for wealth, it is demeaning, quit the search for salvation, it is selfish, and come to comfortable rest in the […]
The World News This Week in Prayer, Thursday, November 14th, 2024
God of all Creation, This week marks the start of the twelve day United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties or COP29 (29th year). Baku, Azerbaijan is the host country for the 2024 talks. It is a fossil fuel producing country on the Caspian Sea, the largest inland sea in the world. It sits […]
World News this Week in Prayer, Thursday, October 3, 2024
We center ourselves in prayer with you O Lord. The feast day of Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) is October 4. We pray on how he modelled humility, concern for poor people; practicing a vow of poverty, peace and nonviolence, and care for creation for generations to come. Born into a wealthy Italian merchant family, Francis […]
World News This Week in Prayer – Christmas 2022
A CHRISTMAS BLESSING by Christine Valters Paintner online Abbess at Reproduced with permission This blessing dances at the doorway of light and dark, knows both as sacred: fertile womb space, miracle of blooming. This blessing breathes through those moments of labor when you too birth the holy into this fragile, luminous, hurting world as Mary […]
World News this Week in Prayer, Thursday, November 12, 2020
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive […]
World News This Week in Prayer – Thurs., Oct. 1, 2020
O God, why are you silent? I cannot hear your voice; the proud and strong and violent all claim you and rejoice; you promised you would hold me with tenderness and care. Draw near, O Love, enfold me, and ease the pain I bear. Marty Haugen/ Tune: Herzlich mich verlangen […]
World News in Prayer – Thursday, 12th March 2020
Every little thing is sent for something, and in that thing there should be happiness and the power to make happy. Like the grasses showing tender faces to each other, thus we should do, for this was the wish of the Grandfathers of the World. Black Elk, (1863-1950) Oh God, we read these words […]
World News This Week in Prayer – Thursday, September 28, 2017
Ex 31:16 “The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant.”(NIV) Creator God, you give us every good and perfect gift. We celebrate the equinox so easily, the turning of the world and change of seasons, the seedtime and the harvest; our unique place in the […]
World News This Week in Prayer – Thursday, September 1, 2016
In an ancient time, our spiritual forebears were conquered and exiled. And the prophet Jeremiah wrote them a letter about how to deal with their calamities. In the various spirits with which those banished people listened to his letter read out, we open ourselves to you in prayer, O God. Jeremiah, speaking for you, told […]
World News This Week in Prayer – Thursday, November 13, 2014
As we gather the thoughts of our hearts in prayer, we give thanks to the Creator who brings order out of chaos. Let us bring the chaos of our lives and our world to God, to hold in love. Let us pray for those whose memories are chaos: For all veterans whose lives are affected […]