As the UN marks the International Day of Peace and the World Council of Churches invites us to join the International Day of Prayer for Peace this September 21st, let us pray for peace in our hearts and minds, in our families, in our communities, in our nations, and throughout the world. Our Lord Jesus […]
World News This Week In Prayer – Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014
So. Many. Words. On this, the anniversary of 9-11, so many prayers float across my screen. I want to take a bit from this one, a bit from that, serve them up, a full-course meal of prayer for those who died and those who lived the first responders then, and now, in so many places […]
World News This Week In Prayer – Thursday August 28, 2014
Gathered together, surrounded by the grace of the Holy One, we enter into this time of prayer seeking Divine wisdom and courage to live faithfully and justly. Let us join together in prayer. Creator God, we feel your Spirit move among us in the gentle breeze, in the ocean waves, and in the colors of […]
World News This Week in Prayer – Thursday, August 14, 2014
World in Prayer for August 14, 2014 (As I looked around me at our world this week, preparing to write these prayers, I found myself singing over and over the words to Marty Haugen’s wonderful hymn, “Healer of Our Every Ill”, and so I have incorporated them into the prayers for this week.) […]
World News This Week in Prayer – Thursday, April 3, 2014
In the presence of our Creator, we seek renewal, wisdom, and inspiration. In the presence of our Beloved, we bring our true selves, our desires, and our fears. In the presence of the Holy Mystery, let us gather our hearts in prayer. O Beautiful Presence, open our eyes to all that surrounds us so that […]