Will you come to our world, God? And will you come with hope? For we see too many situations we can only lament, too few that lift our spirits; too much despair, too little resilience and respect; too many longings and laments and limited visions, too few steps forward. O come, O come, Emmanuel. And […]
World News This Week In Prayer – Thursday, May 16, 2024
Pulsing Spirit, Come, Holy Spirit, Come. Creativity God, as so many of your Christian churches celebrate Pentecost Sunday, we are forever reminded in the news how much we need a Spirit renewal toward unity and away from division. Russia‘s further advancement into Ukraine. A divided society in Slovakia as played out in an assassination attempt on […]
World News This Week in Prayer – Thurs., May 9, 2024
God of our lives, How we long for our world and our hearts to grow: To grow in faith, understanding, and questions. To grow in our hope for a better world. To grow further and wider instead of apart. To grow our lives together. To grow in love for each other. May growth be our […]
World News This Week in Prayer – Thurs., Dec. 7, 2023
“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.” –Isaiah 40:1 Comforting God of us all, Oh, how we need your abiding peace. A peace that only you can give as we navigate this season in our homes, our relationships, our jobs, our neighborhoods, and our world. God, you say “comfort, comfort,” and yet we feel the […]
World News This Week In Prayer – Thursday, September 28, 2023
Holy One, Divine Creator, whom some name God, we pray every week for so many things: for those suffering from effects of climate change and the earthquakes, the hurricanes, the super droughts, super fires, and the super floods; for children and women abused and sold and trafficked even in our modern era of development; for […]
World News This Week In Prayer – Thursday, July 27, 2023
The phrase “it takes a village to raise a child” originates from an African proverb and conveys the message that it takes many people (“the village”) to provide a safe, healthy environment for children, where children are given the security they need to develop and flourish, and to be able to realize their hopes and […]
World News This Week in Prayer- Thursday, May11, 2023
God of all, the One who hears our prayers, our tears could cover the earth for the abuse of children, the flagrant killing and loss of life we hear in the news daily. Someday will these words, this news be read? Will those people shake their heads and ask God for mercy on our […]
World News This Week in Prayer – Christmas 2022
A CHRISTMAS BLESSING by Christine Valters Paintner online Abbess at AbbeyoftheArts.com Reproduced with permission This blessing dances at the doorway of light and dark, knows both as sacred: fertile womb space, miracle of blooming. This blessing breathes through those moments of labor when you too birth the holy into this fragile, luminous, hurting world as Mary […]
World News This Week in Prayer – Thursday, November 24, 2022
“… for I am verily persuaded the Lord hath more truth yet to break forth out of His Holy Word.” John Robinson. Lord, the news is difficult, often strange, maybe false, maybe half truth, out of context and fuelled by conspiracy. What a relief to know that you have the truth contained within yourself; granted […]
World News This Week in Prayer, Thursday, May 19, 2022
Loving and ever-present God, we come before you this week bringing all that we are seeking your presence, your love, your wisdom, and your grace. We do not have to look far to see the brokenness and pain in the world, from health struggles to concerns about our finances, many of us bring fears and […]
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